Information about our 2025-2026 school year is available below for First Discoveries and for Discovery Day School. Parents, please download the documents and fill out the forms. If you have questions, please email the Preschool Director at or call the preschool office any weekday morning at 662-234-3371.
First Discoveries (FD) is open to children who will be 20 to 35 months old by September 1, 2025. FD students often will be attending school for the first time and may or may not be potty-trained and conversational. FD parents may choose the four mornings/week option (Monday-Thursday) or the two mornings/week option (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday).
Discovery Day School (DDS) Junior and Senior Pre-kindergarten students must be three or four by September 1, 2025, fully toilet-trained and ready for a preschool setting. Discovery Day School offers five mornings/week for children who will be three years old or four years old by September 1, 2025.
DDS Nearly Three Butterflies must be fully toilet-trained by July 1, 2025, verbal enough to carry on a conversation and turn three shortly after September 1, 2025. Nearly Three Butterflies attend four mornings/week (Monday-Thursday).
Enrollment Process
This is a brand new system for us at Discovery so please bear with us as we try to make it as smooth as possible for you. If you prefer the paper format, you can download those on the website, print, fill out and return to us.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Download and read:
- Print and complete the appropriate Readiness Checklist for your child:
To Register for First Discoveries
- Go to the First Discoveries Brightwheel registration form.
- Create a profile for your student.
- Complete the enrollment packet. (DDS and FD packets are slightly different) All enrollment forms in your packet must be completed.
- Please bring check payments for the $200 registration fee and prepaid tuition as well as developmental checklists to the Preschool office. We are NOT set up for online payments…YET!
To Register for Discovery Day School
- Go to the Discovery Day School Brightwheel registration form.
- Create a profile for your student.
- Complete the enrollment packet. (DDS and FD packets are slightly different) All enrollment forms in your packet must be completed.
- Please bring check payments for the $200 registration fee and prepaid tuition as well as developmental checklists to the Preschool office. We are NOT set up for online payments…YET!
Notes about filling in forms
- If you are a two parent household, please use the option to add the second parent’s information.
- Signature blocks are case sensitive so please double check capitalization and spelling for the signature boxes.
- If a required field does not apply to you, put “N/A” in that field to move on.
Please call or email Dusti Maroney (662-234-3371) to set up a registration appointment. At this appointment, we will give you a quick tour, answer your questions and quickly go over your paperwork to confirm your registration is complete.
Thank you!
If you need a PDF of the enrollment form, download it here: